Polski English
Department of Systematic and Environmental Botany (formerly: Department of Plant Taxonomy) carries out its own publishing activity. Since 1993 a series entitled "Prace Zakładu Taksonomii Roślin Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu - Publications of the Department of Plant Taxonomy of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań" (series edited by: Waldemar Żukowski) has been issued, whereas in 2006 the DPT initiated publishing of international scientific journal "Biodiversity: Research and Conservation" (Editor-in-Chief: Bogdan Jackowiak). The DPT has also published several occasional publications devoted to scientific conferences organised by us. "Prace Zakładu Taksonomii Roślin Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu - Publications of the Department of Plant Taxonomy of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań"

Series "Publications of the Department of Plant Taxonomy of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań"

Series "Publications of the Department of Plant Taxonomy of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań" comprises, first of all, large monographic elaborations devoted to vascular plants' flora of chosen areas in NW part of Poland. Additionally, a few bibliographic registers have been published in the series. The works have been reviewed and published in Polish or in bilingual Polish-English version. Previous publications have been financed, among others, by: the former State Committee for Scientific Research, National Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management, as well as the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. First volume has been prepared in co-operation with the "Sorus" Publishing in Poznań, whereas most of the rest - by the "Bogucki" Scientific Publishers in Poznań. So far, the following volumes have been published:
  • 1 - CHMIEL J. 1993. Flora roślin naczyniowych wschodniej części Pojezierza Gnieźnieńskiego i jej antropogeniczne przeobrażenia w wieku XIX i XX. [Flora of vascular plants of the eastern part of the Gniezno Lake District and its transformation under the influence of man in the 19th and 20th centuries]. 1: 1-202, 2: Atlas rozmieszczenia roślin [Atlas of the distribution of plants] 1-212. ISBN 83-85599-23-1. In Polish with English summary. more...
  • 2 - JACKOWIAK B. 1993. Atlas rozmieszczenia roślin naczyniowych w Poznaniu [Atlas of distribution of vascular plants in Poznań]. 409 pp. ISBN 83-85599-26-6. In Polish and English. more...
  • 3 - ŻUKOWSKI W., JACKOWIAK B. (red.) 1995. Ginące i zagrożone rośliny Pomorza Zachodniego i Wielkopolski. [Endangered and threatened vascular plants of Western Pomerania and Wielkopolska]. 141 pp, 33 photos. ISBN 83-86001-10-0 Part 1 - In Polish and English; Part 2 - In Polish with English summary. more...
  • 4 - ŻUKOWSKI W., LATOWSKI K., JACKOWIAK B., CHMIEL J. 1995. Rośliny naczyniowe Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego. [The Vascular Plants of Wielkopolska National Park]. 231 pp, 31 figures, 12 tables. ISBN 83-86001-17-8. In Polish with English summary. more...
  • 5 - JACKOWIAK B., LATOWSKI K. 1996. Rozmieszczenie, ekologia i biologia chwastów segetalnych. Bibliografia polskich prac do roku 1995. [Distribution, Ecology and Biology of Segetal Weeds. Bibliography of Polish Works till 1995]. 112 pp + diskette. ISBN 83-86001-27-5. In Polish and English. more...
  • 6 - PIOTROWSKA H., ŻUKOWSKI W., JACKOWIAK B. 1997. Rośliny naczyniowe Słowińskiego Parku Narodowego. [Vascular plants of Słowiński National Park]. 216 pp, 8 figures, 30 maps. ISBN 83-86001-52-6. In Polish with English summary. more...
  • 7 - CELKA Z., JACKOWIAK B. 1998. Bibliografia prac geobotanicznych opublikowanych w czasopiśmie "Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polską Zachodnią" w latach 1948-1997. [Bibliography of Geobotanical Works Published in the Journal "Physiographical Researches on Western Poland" in the Years 1948-1997]. 64 pp + diskette. ISBN 83-86001-59-3. In Polish and English. more...
  • 8 - JACKOWIAK B. 1998. Struktura przestrzenna flory dużego miasta. Studium metodyczno-problemowe. [Spatial structure of urban flora. A methodological-cognitive study]. 228 pp, 98 figures, 29 tables. ISBN 83-86001-75-5. In Polish with English summary. more...
  • 9 - CELKA Z. 1999. Rośliny naczyniowe grodzisk Wielkopolski [The Vascular Plants of the Earthworks of Wielkopolska]. 159 pp, 38 figures, 29 tables, 16 photos. ISBN 83-88163-25-6. In Polish with English summary. more...
  • 10 - JACKOWIAK B., ŻUKOWSKI W. (eds.) 2000. Mechanisms of Anthropogenic Changes of the Plant Cover. 305 pp, 126 figures, 23 tables. ISBN 83-88163-75-2. English text. more...
  • 11 - LATOWSKI K., JACKOWIAK B. 2001. Rozmieszczenie, ekologia i biologia chwastów segetalnych. Bibliografia polskich prac za lata 1996-2000. [Distribution, Ecology and Biology of Segetal Weeds. Bibliography of Polish Works in 1996-2000]. 92 pp. ISBN 83-88163-76-0. In Polish and English. more...
  • 12 - ŻUKOWSKI W., CELKA Z., CHMIEL J., JACKOWIAK B., LATOWSKI K., SZKUDLARZ P. 2001. Rozmieszczenie wybranych gatunków roślin ginących w Wielkopolsce [Distribution of Selected Species of Threatened Plants in Wielkopolska]. 68 pp, 100 maps. ISBN 83-88163-77-9. In Polish and English. more...
  • 13 - CELKA Z. 1994. Atlas rozmieszczenia roślin naczyniowych na grodziskach Wielkopolski [Distribution Atlas of Vascular Plants on the Earthworks of Wielkopolska]. 447 pp, 808 maps, 29 tables, 16 photos. ISBN 83-88163-25-6. In Polish and English. more...
  • 14 - CHMIEL J. 2006. Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne flory jako podstawa ochrony przyrody w krajobrazie rolniczym [Spatial diversity of flora as a basis for nature conservancy in the agricultural landscape]. 250 pp, 69 figures, 43 tables. ISBN 83-60247-04-8. In Polish with English summary. more...
  • 15 - CHMIEL J. 2006. Roślin specjalnej troski i wartościowe obszary przyrodnicze w północno-wschodniej Wielkopolsce [Plants of special care and valuable areas in the North-Eastern part of Wielkopolska]. 97 pp, 67 maps. ISBN 83-60247-05-6. In Polish with English summary. more...
  • 16 - LATOWSKI K., JACKOWIAK B. 2006. Rozmieszczenie, ekologia i biologia chwastów segetalnych. Bibliografia polskich prac za lata 2001-2005. [Distribution, Ecology and Biology of Segetal Weeds. Bibliography of Polish Works in 2001-2005]. 104 pp. ISBN 83-922590-1-7. In Polish and English. more...
  • 17 - TOMA C. 2008. Studium kariologiczne gatunków z podklasy Alismatidae (rząd Helobiae) występujących w Polsce [Carpological study of species of Alismatidae subclass (Helobiae ordo) occuring in Poland]. Prace Zakładu Taksonomii Roślin UAM w Poznaniu. 16: 1-120. ISBN 978-83-61320-20-3. In Polish with English summary. more...

Biodiversity: Research and Conservation

Biodiversity: Research and Conservation [Biodiv. Res. Conserv.] - a quarterly, international journal (in English) publishing original articles, short scientific announcements, as well as review papers on plant taxonomy, chorology, ecology and nature protection. Elaborations focused on contemporary transformations of biological diversity are preferred. All the manuscripts are first assessed by an international editorial board, and then by independent reviewers.

Other publications

  • 2005 - JACKOWIAK B., CELKA Z. (eds.). Taxonomy, chorology and ecology of plants in the age of threats for biological diversity. Proceedings of the scientific conference dedicated to Professor Dr. Waldemar Żukowski on his 70th birthday. 308 pp. Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Plant Taxonomy. ISBN 83-922590-0-9. more...
  • 2005 - JACKOWIAK B., LATOWSKI K. (eds.). Segetal flora and vegetation of protected areas. Proceedings of scientific sessions and guide to field workshops during 29th National Scientific Conference from the series entitled "Distribution of segetal weeds in Poland. Poznań - Czerniejewo 2005. 96 pp. ISBN 83-60247-00-5. more...
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